Terms and Conditions
The use of Adrienne Mayfield’s website is subject to the terms of use as defined and governed by this copyright policy, which constitutes a legal binding agreement between you and Adrienne Mayfield. By using this website, you hereby acknowledge that you have read, understood, and are in agreement to be bound by the terms of use as defined and governed by this copyright policy.

Use Policy

All content provided by Adrienne Mayfield’s website is protected by copyright laws and is the property of Adrienne Mayfield. This content includes, but is not limited to, graphics, images, photographs, audio clips, video clips, text, articles, and the Adrienne Mayfield and Burning Bush Publishing logos.

You may not publish, modify, copy, distribute, sell, transfer, or reproduce, in any way, the material on this website without prior written permission from Adrienne Mayfield. You may not copy, frame, or mirror any of the material which is contained on this website.

Adrienne Mayfield also prohibits unauthorized links to this site and reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or frames.

At times other links may be provided that give you access to other websites that are not affiliated with Adrienne Mayfield. Any connection to other sites is only for ease of use. It is in no way to be considered an endorsement of the content provided therein. Adrienne Mayfield does not assume any liability or responsibility for any such material.

In addition, Adrienne Mayfield makes no representation regarding the quality of her products or services. Adrienne Mayfield bears no liability or responsibility for any material from other websites that link to this site.

The unauthorized use of any of the material contained on this website may violate certain copyright laws, trademark laws, communications regulations and statutes, and laws concerning privacy and publicity.

Terms and Conditions of Payment, Shipping, and Billing


Adrienne Mayfield accepts the following credit cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. Credit cards must have a valid security code and expiration date to complete transactions.

Payment is expected at the time of purchase.

Any discounts must be claimed at the time of purchase. There will be no retroactive discounts.
Your payment information is confidential and will not be shared

Product shipping costs plus applicable sales tax will be added to the product price, based on weight and location of shipment.

All purchases are final. Defective products may be exchanged within five days of receipt.


By using our site, you consent to the above billing terms and conditions.